Critical care deportment renders round the clock Quality care to all patients group with any life threatening or chronic diseases condition requiring life support system and other and other intensive medical intervention. The patients with dysfunctions or failure of one or more organ system like pulmonary, cardiac, neurology, kidney and liver are admitted to the Critical Care unit. Our expert multidisciplinary team focuses on offering comprehensive and superlative care to all the ICU patients. The team comprises of well trained, skilled and highly efficient staff in critical care medicine
Advanced Airway Management
Mechanical Ventilation
- Invasive ventilation
- Non Invasive ventilation
- Prone ventilation
- Lung protective ventilation
- Central line insertion / PICC insertion
- Vascular access for haemodialysis
- Percutaneous tracheostomy
- Usg guided procedures (Paracentesis, Thoracocentesis, Pericardiocentesis, Abdominal screening E.FAST, Echo screening)
- Lumbar Puncture
- Intercostals drain placement
- Monitored anaesthetic care for all invasive purposes
- Patient counseling
- Enteral and parenteral nutrition
- Plasmapheresis
- Advanced Hemodynamical Monitoring
- CVP monitoring
- IBP Monitoring
Critical Care Infrastructure
20 bedded Medical ICU and 40 Bedded surgical ICU with state of the art equipment
- Central AC with Hepa Filters
- Central piped medical gases and central suction
- GE carescape R860 ventilators
- ECMO Machine
- GE MAC 2000 12 Lead ECG machines
- BPL Defibrillator DF 2509
- GE Multipara patient monitors with central monitoring
- ABL 800 FLEX ABG machine
- Fresenius Medical Care 4008 S dialysis unit
- CS 100 datascope IABP machine
- CRRT machine
- BIPAP machine
- HFNC machine
- Cell Saver