Breast Cancer Surgery Package

Dr. Tarang Patel
Sr. Consultant Breast & Cancer Surgeon
35 years+ of Experience
M: +91 75749 64757
Fill up the Form for Telephonic Counselling:
Basic Requirement from patient side:
(Test & Reports are not included in the Surgery Package)
- Reports required before planning surgery:
- Mammogram
- Biopsy Report
- ER,, PR, Her2 (1HC)
- Reports required before scheduling surgery:
- X-ray chest PA & USG: Abdomen Pelvis or PET CT
- CBC, Creatinine, Sugar, SGPT, TSH, HIV, HBsAg, HCV
Q1. What is the fee for the first consultation?
Our initial consultation is typically priced at Rs. 1500. On the occasion of Breast cancer Awareness Month, we are offering a discounted rate of Rs. 500 for your first consultation.
Q2. What is included in Package?
Package Includes:
- 2 days in Triple Sharing room.
- Operation Theater Charges
- Surgeon’s Charges
- Anaesthetist Charges
- Histology Charges
Q3. What is not included in package? What extra is payable to patient?
Charges which are not covered by the package, will be borne by the patient.
- All medicines & consumable
- Frozen Section charges, if required
- Other specialist doctor’s charge, if required.
- Plastic surgeon charges, if required.
Q4. What is Frozen Section?
During sentinel lymph node & Breast preserving surgeries immediate laboratory reports are required. Usually this reports are done in 30-45 minutes during Surgery.
Q5. What is needed to finalise Surgery from patient?
Before planning surgery surgeon will need
1) Mammogram,
2) Biopsy Report
3) ER, PR, Hers2 Report.
Before giving date & time for surgery, surgeon will need pre operative reports Like
1) CBC, Creatinine, Sugar, SGPT, TSH, HIV, HBsAg, HCV and
2) X-ray chest PA, USG Abdomen, Pelvis of PET CT Scan.
Q6. I have BP & Diabetes, Am I eligible for this Package?
If you have Hypertension (BP) & Diabetes, they should be within normal, acceptable range. You also need approval from physician in writing that general anaesthesia is safe for you.
Q7. Who are not eligible for this Package?
Very old women, women having serious diseases like Heart failure, Kidney failure or bad lung function have special requirements during & after surgery. These women cannot be accepted in this package.